Planemo Studio Apps

Rick Run : Find the treasure 1.1.5
Rick, The Hunter behind Treasures, got an oldmap with a route to the abandonment of the time and space mightytomb of Pharaoh Khnum.Help Rick to collect all ancient tablets which open the door tocountless treasures !Moving from an obstacle to an obstacle, force the way throughfrom one island to another. Use a variety of mechanisms to copewith enemies: mummies and ghosts, protecting the road to treasures;move boxes, deactivate traps, destroy enemies and many otherthings!Collect the golden tablets, pave the way to the gems, scatteredat level, destroy obstacles, or on the contrary, create your ownroad to the finish! Whole eighty free levels of an addictivegameplay!Features:• 80 excellent levels - puzzles• The various enemies who are carefully protecting a way totreasures• A lot of dangerous traps• It is impossible to pass level for smaller number of moves?Destroy obstacles stirring to you or on the contrary – constructlacking by means of unique bonuses!• Growing complexity: Collect tablets and earn stars so stoneguards could pass you on more difficult stage!• Any level can be passed by a huge number of various ways• 'Immortality' Rick gives an infinite number of lives, but thatdoes not make him completely immune to spikes and fireballs.Thanks for playing !---------------------------Follow us on:Facebook:
DaVinci 2 Pro: Renaissance 1.2.1
Planemo Studio
New part of the "DaVinci Mystery" -amazinggame with a lot of brain teasers to test ingenuity !% More then 1 000 000 users% Interactive puzzles% Fun and rare riddles and beautiful design% Open all levels, no ads and more answers available!**************************Big Update !New Category - "Cinema" !- Added more opportunities for bonus responses- More supported devices !**************************Now even more interesting and challenging puzzles challengeyou!It will be something to smash his head!"Renaissance" literally means "rebirth." It refers especially totherebirth of learning that began in Italy in the fourteenthcentury.During this period, there was an enormous renewal ofinterest in andstudy of classical antiquity.It was also an age of new discoveries, bothgeographical(exploration of the New World) and intellectual. MartinLuther,Michelangelo Buonarroti, Francesco Petrarch, "The LastJudgement",the Sistine Chapel, the Priory of Sion, Lorenzo de'Medici andothers are part of it. It that time lived and workedfamousinventor, scientist, physicist, anatomist and painterLeonardo daVinci.All puzzles in the game "DaVinci: Renaissance" is dividedintoseveral major categories: History, Art, Logic,Mathematics,Engineering and unusual category Pirates. Renaissancebroughtsomething new - now some interactive puzzles such as"FifteenGame"and puzzles with marble matches available in the“DaVinci:Renaissance” game!FEATURES:* A lot of puzzles in the style of the Renaissance, all kindsofmathematical and logical puzzles and Pirates under theJollyRoger.* Beautiful designed “Fifteen Game”, representing themostoutstanding technical inventions, as well as the works of themostfamous painters brush Renaissance.* In the game there are tips that can help you in deciding ifyouget stuck with the answer. Also, if you are very close toasolution, the game can put you on the right way withadditionaltips!* For convenience of logical and mathematical solutions totheproblems of the game is integrated calculator.* To visualize solutions for simplicity, you can simplyuse“Paint”.In “Da Vinci: Renaissance” in each category, the last fivepuzzlesare the "bosses" of category. To open it is necessary tosolve anumber of common tasks in a category or solve a specificpuzzle.Mysteries of "bosses" are the most complex in the category,butthey provide access to special achievements and awards thatwillhelp unravel the mystery of Da Vinci and learn interestingfactsabout the life of the great scientist, as well as getacquaintedwith his amazing inventions.------------------------Follow us on:Facebook:
Загадки ДаВинчи Pro: Викторина 1.1.1
Planemo Studio
Новая часть серии "Загадки ДаВинчи",отличногоприложения для любителей всевозможных задачек и вопросовнасообразительность! Умней, играя!PRO-версия не содержит рекламу и ограничений на категории!% Более 1 500 000 активных пользователей серии% Вдумчивая Классика и молниеносная Викторина% Редкие и сложные загадки и головоломки% Русский фольклор% Регулярные обновленияИгра будет полезна тем:* Кто хочет нереально прокачать свой IQ* Кто любит бродить по Чертогам Разума (привет Шерлок!)* Кто не терпит интеллектуальных границ* Кто любит такие образовательные игры как Миллионер, Что ГдеКогда,Самый Умный, Своя Игра (привет Вассерман!)* Кто просто хочет провести вечер с пользойИгра "Загадки ДаВинчи: Викторина" состоит из двухполноценныхрежимов. Первый режим,“Классика”, включает в себя более700 загадокв 20 различных категориях. Здесь вы встретите такиетемы:- Бизнес (деньги, инвестиции, фирмы)- Великие Люди (Шекспир, Да Винчи и др.)- Города (Санкт-Петербург, Москва, Великий и НижнийНовгород,Лондон)- Искусство (живопись)- История (Древняя, История России, Викинги)- Культура (Китай, Япония)- Литература (Отечественная, Зарубежная)- Наука (Математика, Медицина, Химия)- Русский Фольклор (Быт, Животные, Явления природы)- Спорт (Футбол)- Стиль Жизни (Еда, Фитнес)- Техника (инженеры и их великие изобретения)Изначально открыто по одной загадке в каждой категории. Каждаяизотгаданных загадок открывает несколько последующих.Сложностьвопросов увеличивается по мере продвижения в категории.Если же вамудалось решить целую категорию головоломок, то васждетвознаграждение в виде небольшого количества очков знаний,которыеможно тратить на различные бонусы.Новый режим называется “Викторина”, в котором собраны:- Викторина про Футбол- Викторина про Кино- Викторина по Правописанию- Викторина по Географии- Викторина по Наукам (химия,физика,биология,астрономия)- Викторина по ПДД (вопросы из официальных правилдорожногодвижения)- Викторина про Стиль Жизни (фитнес, iphone и смузи, вотэтовсе)- Викторина про Страны (Россия,Украина, Белоруссия, Казахстанидругие страны СНГ)- Викторина по Математике (несложные примеры на вычисление)И множество других вопросов, связанных с правиламидорожногодвижения(ПДД), математикой и логотипами к известныммобильнымиграм, странами и столицами, науками и культурой. Накаждый вопросдаётся 10 секунд (да да, погуглить не успеете!) ичетыре вариантаответа, а ошибиться за один тур викторины можновсего три раза. Такчто нужно быть максимально внимательным и быстронапрягатьизвилины.ОСОБЕННОСТИ:* Аккуратный минималистичный flat-дизайн, концентрирующийвашевнимание на основном процессе – отгадывании загадокивопросов.* Множество загадок и вопросов, разбитых на несколько категорийснесколькими подкатегориями. Это всевозможные логическиезагадки,вопросы связанные с Россией, Украиной, загадки по истории,науке иизобретениям.* Увлекательный режим “Викторина” с более чем 15000 вопросами* Регулярно добавляются новые вопросы и категории в режимереальноговремени. Не нужно обновлять, чтобы продолжитьиграть!* Ставьте рекорды и зарабатывайте достижения* Сражайтесь со случайными соперниками или померяйтесь силамисодним из друзей в Google+* При помощи игры можно значительно повысить уровеньсвоейорфографии, научиться быстро считать, а расширениекругозорагарантировано!Система достижений также не заставит скучать! Одни изсамыхтрудно зарабатываемых ачивок относятся к режиму «Викторина».Этидостижения названы в честь государственных должностей вДревнемРиме. Например, можно заработать звание Консула или Претора,атакже Эдила, Квестора и Цензора.Тестируйте IQ, прокачивайте знания, тренируйте память!Бытьэрудированным круто!Мы в соц-сетях:Facebook:Вконтакте: new part of theseries"Mysteries of Da Vinci", a great application for fans of allsortsof tasks and issues for ingenuity! Smarter by playing!PRO-version does not contain advertising and restrictions onthecategory!% More than 1.5 million active users seriesThoughtful% Classic and lightning Quiz% Rare and difficult riddles and puzzles% Russian folklore% Regular updatesThe game is useful because:* Who wants unreal pump your IQ* Who loves to roam the Halls of Mind (hello Sherlock!)* Who does not tolerate intellectual boundaries* Who loves such as educational games Millionaire, What WhereWhenthe smartest Own Game (Wasserman hi!)* Who just wants to spend the evening with the use ofGame "Da Vinci Puzzle Quiz" consists of two full-fledgedmodes.The first mode, "Classics", includes more than 700 puzzles in20different categories. Here you will find topics:- Business (money, investment firm)- Great People (Shakespeare, Da Vinci, etc.)- Cities (St. Petersburg, Moscow, and Nizhny Novgorod theGreat,London)- Arts (painting)- History (Ancient, History of Russia, Vikings)- Culture (China, Japan)- Literature (Domestic, Foreign)- Science (Mathematics, Medicine, Chemistry)- Russian Folk (Genesis, Animals, Natural phenomena)- Sports (Football)- Life Style (Food, Fitness)- Technology (engineers and their great inventions)Originally opened one puzzle in each category. Eachguessedriddles opens next few. Increased complexity of the issuesas wemove into the category. If you managed to solve the wholecategoryof puzzles, then you will be rewarded with a small numberof pointsof knowledge that can be spent on various bonuses.New mode called "Quiz", which collected:- Pro Football Quiz- Quiz about Movies- Spelling Quiz- Geography Quiz- Quiz sciences (chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy)- Quiz SDA (questions of the official rules of the road)- Quiz about the Lifestyle (fitness, iphone and smoothies,that'sall)- Quiz of countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan andotherCIS countries)- Mathematics Quiz (simple examples of the calculation)And many other issues related to the rules of the road(SDA),mathematics, and logos to the famous mobile games, countriesandcapitals, science and culture. For each question is given10seconds (yes, google does not have time!) And four choices, andbemistaken for one round of the quiz can be a total of threetimes.So we need to be as attentive and quickly strain gyrus.FEATURES:* Neat flat-minimalistic design, concentrating your attention onthemain course - guessing riddles and questions.* Lots of puzzles and questions, divided into severalcategorieswith several subcategories. These are various logicpuzzles, issuesrelated to Russia, Ukraine, the mysteries ofhistory, science andinventions.* Fascinating mode "Quiz" with over 15,000 questionsRegularly added new questions and categories in real time. Notneedto update to keep playing!* Put records and earn achievements* Fight with random opponents or to measure themselves againstoneof your friends on Google+* From games can significantly improve their spelling, learn howtoquickly consider and broaden their horizons guaranteed!Achievement system also does not make bored! Some of themosthard earned achivok is valid "Quiz". These achievements arenamedin honor of public office in Rome. For example, you can earnthetitle of Consul or Praetor, and Edil, Questor and Censor.Test your IQ, Suck knowledge, train memory! Be erudite cool!We are in social networks:Facebook:
Rick Run: Pave the Way Pro 1.1.4
Planemo Studio
Rick, The Hunter behind Treasures, got anoldmap with a route to the abandonment of the time and spacemightytomb of Pharaoh Khnum.Help Rick to collect all ancient tablets which open the doortocountless treasures !Moving from an obstacle to an obstacle, force the waythroughfrom one island to another. Use a variety of mechanisms tocopewith enemies: mummies and ghosts, protecting the road totreasures;move boxes, deactivate traps, destroy enemies and manyotherthings!Collect the golden tablets, pave the way to the gems,scatteredat level, destroy obstacles, or on the contrary, createyour ownroad to the finish! Whole eighty free levels of anaddictivegameplay!Features:• 80 excellent levels - puzzles• The various enemies who are carefully protecting a waytotreasures• A lot of dangerous traps• It is impossible to pass level for smaller number ofmoves?Destroy obstacles stirring to you or on the contrary –constructlacking by means of unique bonuses!• Growing complexity: Collect tablets and earn stars so stoneguardscould pass you on more difficult stage!• Any level can be passed by a huge number of various ways• 'Immortality' Rick gives an infinite number of lives, butthatdoes not make him completely immune to spikes andfireballs.Thanks for playing !---------------------------Follow us on:Facebook:
DaVinci Riddles 2: Renaissance 1.2.5
New part of the "DaVinci Mystery" -amazinggame with a lot of brain teasers to test ingenuity !% More then 1 000 000 users% Interactive puzzles% Beautiful design% Fun and rare riddles and questions**************************Big Update !New Category - "Cinema" !- x2 free puzzles- Added more opportunities for bonus responses- More supported devices !**************************Now even more interesting and challenging puzzles challengeyou!It will be something to smash his head!"Renaissance" literally means "rebirth." It refers especially totherebirth of learning that began in Italy in the fourteenthcentury.During this period, there was an enormous renewal ofinterest in andstudy of classical antiquity.It was also an age of new discoveries, bothgeographical(exploration of the New World) and intellectual. MartinLuther,Michelangelo Buonarroti, Francesco Petrarch, "The LastJudgement",the Sistine Chapel, the Priory of Sion, Lorenzo de'Medici andothers are part of it. It that time lived and workedfamousinventor, scientist, physicist, anatomist and painterLeonardo daVinci.All puzzles in the game "DaVinci: Renaissance" is dividedintoseveral major categories: History, Art, Jokes, Logic,Mathematics,Engineering and unusual category Pirates. Now alsoavailablequestions about football and cinema. Renaissance broughtsomethingnew - now some interactive puzzles such as"Fifteen Game"andpuzzles with marble matches available in the “DaVinci:Renaissance”game!FEATURES:* A lot of puzzles in the style of the Renaissance, all kindsofmathematical and logical puzzles and Pirates under theJollyRoger.* Beautiful designed “Fifteen Game”, representing themostoutstanding technical inventions, as well as the works of themostfamous painters brush Renaissance.* In the game there are tips that can help you in deciding ifyouget stuck with the answer. Also, if you are very close toasolution, the game can put you on the right way withadditionaltips!* For convenience of logical and mathematical solutions totheproblems of the game is integrated calculator.* To visualize solutions for simplicity, you can simplyuse“Paint”.In “Da Vinci: Renaissance” in each category, the last fivequestionsare the "bosses" of category. To open it is necessary tosolve anumber of common questions in a category or solve aspecific puzzle.Mysteries of "bosses" are the most complex in thecategory, but theyprovide access to special achievements andawards that will helpunravel the mystery of Da Vinci and learninteresting facts aboutthe life of the great scientist, as well asget acquainted with hisamazing inventions.------------------------Follow us on:Facebook:
Загадки для детей c Барсиком 1.0.6
Игра «Загадки для детей c Барсиком» — загадкидля детей в стихах от Planemo Studio.Котёнок Барсик ходит в гости к своим друзьям пингвинёнку,черепашке, собачке и кошечке, где они играют с воздушными шарикамии отгадывают загадки.В игре для детей «Загадки Барсика» вы найдёте увлекательные иразвивающие загадки для вашего ребёнка. Игра также носитобразовательный характер, и учит ребёнка правильно писать слова. Вигре есть звуковые подсказки и рисовалка, которые не дадутзаскучать и помогут с выбором правильного ответа.Четыре категории при помощи загадок в игровой форме знакомят детейс разнообразыными животными - красочный попугай, симпатичный лев,симпатичный жираф ждут ребенка внутри игры, природными явлениями, атакже различными предметами в доме — звонким будильником, сопящимчайничком, пушистой кисточкой и др.. Пятая категория содержитзагадки связанные с арифметикой. Игра помогает обучатьсяправописанию - вместе с ответом - картинкой выводится и егокорректное написание.Особенности☆ Игра обучает правописанию☆ Все загадки в стихах, что способствует развитию творческогоначала☆ Дружелюбный интерфейс☆ Звуковые подсказки☆ Рисовалка, которая не даст заскучать☆ Любую загадку можно отгадывать сколько угодно раз☆ Более 50 интересных детских загадокС игрой в «Загадки для детей c Барсиком» вы можете с детстваразвивать своего ребёнка в весёлой игровой форме.The game "Riddles forChildren c Barsik" - puzzles for kids in verses from PlanemoStudio.Barsik kitten goes to visit his friends penguin, turtle, dog andcat, where they play with balloons and guess riddles. The game for children "Mysteries Barsik" you will findexciting and developing puzzles for your child. The game also iseducational in nature, and teaches children how to spell words. Thegame has sound prompts and risovalka who will not get bored andwill help with the choice of the correct answer. Four categories with the puzzles in the game form acquaintchildren with raznoobrazynymi animals - a colorful parrot, cutelion, cute giraffe expecting a baby in the game, natural phenomena,as well as various items in the house - an alarm clock, wheezingteapots, fluffy brush and others. The fifth category containspuzzles related to arithmetic. Play helps to learn spelling - alongwith the answer - a picture is displayed and the correctspelling.Features☆ The game teaches spelling☆ All the riddles in verse, which promotes creativity☆ friendly interface☆ Audio tips☆ Painting, which will not get bored☆ Any puzzle can guess as many times as☆ More than 50 children's interesting puzzlesWith the game in the "Puzzles for children c Barsik" you can achild develop their child in a fun entertaining way.